Africa Most Read

Tue 15 October 2024:

South Africans involved in occupation of Palestine are getting away scot-free. The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has failed to act against those with blood on their hands, according to activists.

Speaking in an interview with Salaamedia on Monday, researcher at Media Review Network (MRN) and lecturer in political science Dr. Ahmed Haroon Jhazbhay said geopolitical considerations were standing in the way of bringing those involved in occupation to book.

“The unwillingness of the NPA to really prosecute in this regard speaks to issues that are going on behind the scenes. There’s obviously a lot of political pressure on NPA not to prosecute. There is pressure from the Zionist Federation, the [SA] Jewish Board of Deputies and there is (sic) geopolitical considerations.”

However, he said, the NPA should not sit on evidence handed over by MRN in favour of geopolitical considerations. Evidence against at least 73 people was submitted to the prosecuting authority in the past 10 years.

“This shouldn’t be a consideration for the NPA. The NPA should be independent. Political considerations, geopolitical issues, are nothing for the NPA to deal with – that is for the political establishment to deal with.”



Act against those involved in occupation and genocide

In December 2023, the international relations ministry issued a statement stating that it was “gravely concerned” by reports that South Africans were joining the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) in its genocidal war on Gaza, potentially contravening the Foreign Military Assistance Act.

The Act stipulates that “any person wishing to render foreign military assistance in Israel must first apply to the National Conventional Arms Control Committee (NCACC) who will make a recommendation to the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans that such an application be granted or refused. Any person joining the IDF without the necessary permission of the NCACC is breaking the law and can be prosecuted,” according to the statement.

But Jhazbhay said citizens involved in occupation were able to return home and live freely, thanks to the NPA dragging its feet on the matter.

“We’ve given a message to other Zionist South Africans that our country is a safe haven, that they can go serve in Israeli terror forces and come back as if nothing has happened. We give an impression to the international community that our laws are selectively applied, that we are more bark than bite, and our laws can be trampled on.”

He said it was all very well and good that the previous government took the bold step to drag Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – work which the new government has vowed to continue – but it needed to act against those involved in occupation and genocide.

“It’s imperative that the NPA acts without fear or favour, without political influence, without geopolitical considerations, without pressure from lobby groups. Act on principle. We must put the impression out there in the world that we are a country that is based on principles, and we’ll act on our principles.”

Since 7 October 2023, more than 41 000 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip. More recently, attacks on Lebanon, to the north, have killed no fewer than 2 000 others. Entire families have been wiped out in a war that sees no difference between militant and civilian, adult and child, nor woman and combatant.







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