Africa Most Read

Fri 19 July 2024:

Johannesburg – Yesterday, a silent protest was held at Wits University, organized by Wits Liberated Zone, to oppose the Science Faculty Dean’s address, in which he promoted neutrality amid the genocide in Gaza.

During an interview with Salaamedia, Johnathan Yahya West, a member of the Wits Liberated Zone, explained that approximately 20 students attended the Dean’s talk in silence, wearing keffiyehs. They also participated in the Q&A session that followed.

The pro-Palestinian students sought clarifications on the Dean’s stance regarding the ethnic cleansing in Gaza. They aimed to encourage acknowledgement of the severity of the current situation.




“We did ask the dean questions, nothing too aggressive, just to get some clarification on what he meant and try to get him to understand that what he is saying is he wants to be silent when obviously there is a genocide.”

“That was our plan, and that’s what happened. Having sat in on a lecture or presentation of that nature, it truly disheartens you to see the thoughts and opinions that some people can hold.”

Though the students participated in the Q&A session, West and his peers felt that the Dean’s responses were insufficient. The group was dissatisfied by the lack of direct answers to their questions.

“Sitting and seeing that someone in so much power at V University can skirt around the issues so almost elegantly, I mean, his arguments had so many contradictions within them. As we sat there in the Q&A, sort of trying to understand his own contradictions, he is well-trained and able to avoid answering any questions directly.”

“That becomes frustrating, very frustrating. As students sitting in this presentation, you felt like the voices of students weren’t actually involved, that the institution is the main power, and that they must protect the institution at all costs.”

However, the engagement did have some positives. West stated they agreed with the Dean on several issues, particularly the need to create safe spaces where opposing student groups can have in-depth discussions.

“I do think the institution has a responsibility to create a space for discussion and communication. What Wits Liberated Zone is hoping to take forward is to create a space for education most of all.”

Members of the Wits Liberated Zone have been steadfast supporters of the Palestinians in their struggle for freedom, justice, and an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

They have organized numerous protests and events to show solidarity and draw attention to the plight of the Palestinians and the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Looking ahead, West expressed their plans to continue raising awareness and focus on educating their fellow students on campus about the history of the occupation of Palestine.

“We do have plans. I think our most important goal is to start educating the campus. We want to get people informed. We think there’s a big lack of awareness, and it’s not that people don’t want to help. It’s that they don’t know how serious the issue is.”

“So, we are trying to educate individuals. We will be having a picnic on the lawns next week on Thursday just to get people together to discuss the issues. I think that’s an important first step.”








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