Middle East World

Wed 03 July 2024:

In a notable shift from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s position on the Gaza war, top military leaders in Israel are advocating for a ceasefire with Hamas, according to a report by the New York Times.

Israeli generals argue that a ceasefire is crucial for securing the release of remaining captives held in Gaza and for preparing Israeli forces for a potential larger conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon, the newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Based on interviews with six current and former security officials, the NYT reports that Israel’s military leaders believe a truce is the quickest and safest method to rescue the approximately 120 Israelis still held captive in Gaza.

The military’s top brass, now under-equipped after Tel Aviv’s longest war in decades, need time to recuperate and rearm in case a full-scale war breaks out with Hezbollah, which has been engaged in a low-level conflict with Israel since October.

The General Staff Forum, Israel’s top military body, comprising around 30 senior generals, including Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, the military chief of staff, has reached a consensus that a temporary ceasefire in Gaza could ease tensions with Hezbollah.

There are unconfirmed reports about Halevi possibly resigning in a few weeks.

Lack of Direction

Eyal Hulata, Israel’s national security adviser until early last year, stated, “The military is in full support of a hostage deal and a ceasefire. They believe they can always re-engage Hamas militarily if necessary. A pause in Gaza increases the chances of de-escalation in Lebanon and provides time to prepare for a potential larger conflict with Hezbollah.”

This shift in strategy reflects growing frustration with Netanyahu’s refusal to outline a clear Gaza plan. This lack of direction has created a power vacuum in the besieged enclave, forcing Israeli forces to repeatedly clear areas of Hamas fighters.

Public statements from military leaders have increasingly hinted at their private dissatisfaction with the current strategy. Netanyahu has reiterated his commitment to achieving all war objectives, including eliminating Hamas and securing the hostages’ release, a goal deemed far-fetched by many experts, including Israeli defense analysts.

Netanyahu remains wary of any truce that might preserve Hamas’s power, fearing it could destabilize his regime.

More than eight months after Gaza’s invasion, Israeli generals have concluded that continuing military operations to free the hostages risks their lives. With no clear plan for Gaza’s future, the military fears a prolonged conflict will deplete its resources and morale while leaving Hamas leaders unscathed.

Strained Military, Dwindling Resources

The military’s public statements, while not directly endorsing a ceasefire, have suggested their preference. Admiral Hagari has recently implied that the current strategy was misleading the public, and General Halevi highlighted military achievements to justify ending the war without losing face.

In a recent interview, Netanyahu dismissed calls to end the war but acknowledged the need to reallocate forces to the north, a move seen as preparation for potential conflict with Hezbollah.

Experts opine that Israel’s military is currently strained and its resources dwindling. Reservists are on their third tour of duty, and morale is low. With over 4,000 soldiers injured and equipment shortages, the military is cautious about extending the conflict.

“If dragged into a larger war, we have enough resources and manpower,” Hulata said. “But we prefer to enter under the best conditions, which we currently lack.”

Israeli military generals’ push for a ceasefire in Gaza is seen as a strategic approach to Tel Aviv’s security challenges — one that prioritizes immediate concerns and long-term stability over prolonged military engagements.








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