Raeesa Jogee and her battles with cancer


A number of people are not aware of the challenges those who live with cancer are faced with. Most cancer sufferers have to undergo rigorous treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and what Sister Raeesa Jogee and thousands just like her need stem cell (bone marrow) transplant. This is not the first time that this young mother has been diagnosed with cancer. In fact this is the third time that Sister Raeesa has had to hear the words, “You have cancer”. At the age of 27, Raeesa was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent chemotherapy, surgery and radiation treatment. In September, 2014, after a routine blood test, Raeesa was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and had to begin her next set of chemotherapy. For the next six months Raeesa had to spend a number of weeks in hospital and her two children were forced to adapt. With the support of a very strong family, both Raeesa and her family got through this period and Raeesa was in remission (cancer free). In 2018, Raeesa was diagnosed with leukemia. Raeesa’s only chance of surviving cancer for a third time, is receiving a stem cell transplant.

Unfortunately Raeesa’s siblings are not a match for her. A donor match is based on ethnicity and people of colour are unfortunately, underrepresented on the donor list. Raeesa and many others like her, only have 1 in 100 000 chance of finding a donor locally. How can Raeesa and others, who have the odds stacked up against them be helped? It’s actually quite easy and the process of donating stem cells is similar to donating blood. The procedure takes between 4-5 hours and donors will be discharged on the same day. Raeesa is pleading for more donors of colour to come forward and save a life, by merely sacrificing a few hours of their time. For more information on how to get your name on the donor list visit: www.sabmr.co.za or www. sunflowerfund.org.za While most of the victims are looking for donors, they also need financial support. In order to search and secure a donor Raeesa has had to move down to Cape Town for 6 months, while she receives chemotherapy and searches for a donor. The financial implications of this is enormous, as at this time of the year, Raeesa’s medical aid is exhausted and the cost of having to stay in Cape Town is enormous. Raeesa is very well known for her voluntary work, assisting cancer patients and their families. Last year, while still healthy and in remission, Raeesa, together with a well renowned Dr, raised R100 000 in just a few hours in aid of cancer research, awareness and support of cancer patients. Raeesa has helped and supported many cancer survivors since she was first diagnosed. Let us take this opportunity to assist Raeesa and her family in this trying time.

Spiritual Foundation, FNB Cheque Account Number: 62748552983 Reference: RaeesaBMR

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